Introducing Shop TKS: A sanctuary for inspiration, beauty, and comfort.
Formerly known as The Kimono Store- allow us to introduce Shop TKS as the new and improved “daughter” of The Kimono Store. Since first launching The Kimono Store back in July 2019 the store has evolved, transformed, and grown and we wanted our store to reflect this transformation. Shop TKS strives to inspire women through beauty, diversity, and creativity. We wanted to branch out and include products that are more than just kimono styles and reflect our way of life.
What can we expect with Shop TKS?
Shop TKS focuses on comfort in the home while inspiring beauty. Kimono styes will still our specialty including fashion styles, beach cover ups, and robes. Shop TKS will also expand and carry sustainable loungewear, hair accessories, facial tools, home décor, and so much more. Think of all the products you need and didn’t know you needed for an ultimate date with yourself. We know that self- care looks different to every woman and we wanted Shop TKS to reflect this journey.
What does Shop TKS stand for?
Formerly known as The Kimono Store- Shop TKS is an abbreviation of it’s past name. Shop TKS is also a personal nod to the owner, Brittany’s last name. It is also a preview of what’s to come with our new Karma Shop launching at the end of the year.
But, above all Shop TKS is an abbreviation of “thanks” because we couldn’t be the women’s community we are without all of you! So, thank you! Shop TKS is just for you.
Want to learn more about Shop T.K.S? Head on over to our About Us page to learn more!
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